Monday, April 14, 2014

free choice

Free Choice 

Over spring break i went to Las Vegas, Nevada. My family was either thinking of gong to San Francisco or Las Vegas so we chose Vegas because its closer. From my house to vegas its about a 4 to 5 hour drive depending on the traffic. It took us about 4 hours and a half. we left at 11:00 and got there at 3:30. As soon as we entered Nevada, the weather changed quite a bit. The air got dryer, the sun was burning hotter, and it was windy. You could go outside in a tank top and shorts and not be cold at all during the day and night. 

During the day you can go to the pool because of how hot it is. If you're under age you can't really do much at vegas but i tried my best to have fun. At night i walked around the vegas strip seeing all the beautiful lights and watching the street performers either dance, sing, back flip, or do magic. When i went this weekend i walked a lot almsot 3 hours walking up and down the strip we walked from one side of the strip to the other but we had to get a taxi back because it was way too far to walk back. Another thing i did was get on the famous roller coaster New York New York which was really fun. 

A soon as i got out of the car in California i felt the big differnece in the weather and climate. The air was wet and cold, i could barely feel the suns heat anymore and i felt like i needed to put on a sweater. I like traveling because you can feel the difference in the weather and you can actually see it too. To me thats one of the coolest things ever, because in Costa Mesa its cold in the morning and a little hot in the afternoon but in vegas it starts off really hot and gets hotter as the day goes by, this is what i did over spring break. 

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